Counter Cloths


Recently Norwex introduced the Counter Cloths. Use these as a replacement for the ‘pick-a-size’ paper towels is how the marketing team bills them. I use them for everything in the kitchen. I usually have two of them going at the same time. They fit nicely in my hand and are easy to hold, so that’s a bonus. By having two out at a time there is always one available no matter where I am in the kitchen. They have become a favorite of mine.

Every cloth is made of a combination of Norwex microfiber and at least 50% recycled plastic, but you’d never know it because they are very soft. They also contain BacLock so are self-purifying; I can use them for days and they never smell!

Norwex Counter Cloths are available in different color palettes, and if you want to store them or other Norwex in a cute way on your counter, check out our house-shaped Counter Cloth box. So fun!
